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What Is Corrective Jaw Surgery?

What Is Corrective Jaw Surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery is often known as orthognathic surgery and sometimes simply as jaw surgery. Corrective jaw surgery is performed to correct a significant discrepancy between the upper and lower jaw. A certain percentage of the population has a jaw discrepancy...
How Do I Know If I Need Jaw Surgery?

How Do I Know If I Need Jaw Surgery?

A certain percentage of the population will benefit from corrective jaw surgery. If you have an underbite (lower jaw too far forward), overbite (lower jaw too far back), open bite (front teeth do not come together when biting down), gummy smile or facial asymmetry...
Does My Health Insurance Cover My Jaw Surgery?

Does My Health Insurance Cover My Jaw Surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery is necessary surgery which is typically covered under your health insurance. While many patients come to us with initial esthetic concerns they soon realize that jaw surgery can help them achieve significantly improved jaw function and decreased...